
Red Legends x Cité Gestion

We are delighted to announce our partnership with the Red Legends - the Swiss ski school in St. Moritz!

Founded in 1929, the St. Moritz Swiss Ski School was the first in Switzerland to democratize this sport, thanks to his founder and pioneer Giovanni Testa, who developed the skiing technique we use today.
Since then, the school's reputation has grown steadily, especially thanks to Edy Reinalter, the youngest member at the time, who is still the only Swiss slalom skier to have won Olympic gold at the 1948 Winter Games.
90 years later, thanks to his passion, ambition and discipline, the St. Moritz ski school is internationally renowned and has become one of the biggest businesses in the Upper Engadine region.
We wish the whole Red Legends crew a very nice ski season and a lot of fun with their customers, whom we look forward to seeing on the slopes !

Discover the video teaser here below and stay tuned for more adventures ! 

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