
Look back at our event in Davos


At our very first event in Davos, organised alongside the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, we explored the theme of  « Governance as a driver of investment performance ».

Professor Didier Cossin, founder and director of IMD's Global Board Center, shared insights on the importance of governance in creating long-term value. He explained how effective governance enables companies to be more resilient, to innovate and to better meet the expectations of their stakeholders.

Our GBI Good Governance Fund was also highlighted as a concrete example of these principles. Using a unique systematic model based on the analysis of company 10-K reports, this fund selects the 100 best-governed companies in the S&P 500, outperforming by more than 30% since its launch.

To find out more about the fund :

Green Blue Invest


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Uncertainty on the rise

February 2025 

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The Swiss Experience x Cité Gestion

We were delighted to welcome Brazilian legal practitioners to Geneva as part of The Swiss Experience. A rich exchange of views on finance and cross-border issues, strengthening the ties between Switzerland and Brazil !

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EFG International x Cité Gestion

We are pleased to announce that Cité Gestion has joined forces with EFG Group, the 6th largest private banking group in Switzerland, subject to FINMA approval.

Cité Gestion will operate as an independent entity, retaining its name, governance and teams. It will be strengthened by EFG's global reach and capabilities, which will enable it to accelerate its growth.

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GPM SA x Cité Gestion

After more than 15 years of commitment to their clients, we would like to thank Catherine de Steiger and Imad Ghosn, former partners of GPM SA, for choosing us to continue their work.

We look forward to providing the same close support to their clients, and wish them all the best for the future.

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A new trade war?

January 2025

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Le Temps x Cité Gestion

What next for Switzerland on the world stage?

A look back at the Horizon 2025 Forum, held on January 30, 2025 at IMD. 

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